Are you ready to make Trinity your church home?
At Trinity, you do not have to be a member of the church, or an Episcopalian, or even a baptized Christian to take part in worship, attend classes and enjoy fellowship in our community. But as your faith grows, and your relationship with the church takes root, you may choose to make a deeper commitment.
Baptism & Confirmation
Through baptism, we are initiated by water and the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ. Through baptism, God adopts us, making us members of the church and inheritors of the kingdom of God. Baptism is available to all, from infants to adults.
In the Episcopal tradition, anyone who has been baptized with water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in any Christian church or denomination, is welcomed as a baptized member of the Episcopal Church. Baptism is the foundation for full participation and ministry in the church. For example, the sacrament of Holy Communion is reserved for baptized Christians.
Confirmation marks a further step in an individual’s Christian development. Through confirmation, baptized persons make a mature, public affirmation of their faith, recommit themselves to their baptismal promises, and receive the laying on of hands by a bishop. Any baptized adult, and any baptized youth in eighth grade or higher, is eligible for confirmation.
Persons who have been confirmed in another denomination by a bishop in the apostolic succession (most often Roman Catholic or Orthodox) are received by the bishop into the Episcopal Church, rather than confirmed. Those who have been confirmed or received are classified as confirmed communicants. Some church roles, such as membership on the Vestry, are reserved for confirmed communicants.
We invite you to contact Pastor Cass if you are interested in baptism or confirmation.
Members in Good Standing
At Trinity, a member in good standing worships with us regularly (in person or online) and supports the parish with a financial contribution. All members in good standing should have their baptisms recorded in the parish register.
Only confirmed, adult communicants in good standing are eligible to:
- Be licensed as readers/intercessors, Eucharistic ministers and Eucharistic visitors.
- Vote in the election of Vestry members.
- Serve on the Vestry.
Every decision we make about how we live our lives and invest our resources is an act of stewardship, a tangible expression of our faith. Most members of the church make an annual pledge of financial support, either during the fall pledge campaign or at another time during the year. Click here to learn more about pledging and to complete an online pledge card.
Becoming a Member
If you would like to make Trinity your church home, please complete our membership form. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Pastor Cass.
Why I Joined

I was confirmed as an Episcopalian in 1973. After attending other churches for the past 10 years, I was looking for an Episcopal church in Charlottesville so that I could reconnect with my roots and the structure of the Episcopal service.
I looked at the website for Trinity Episcopal Church and felt warmth and welcome from the pictures I saw. I found the service times and decided to visit the church in person. As soon as I entered I felt the same warmth and welcome that I saw on the website. Everyone was friendly and ready to accept me as family.
I talked with Pastor Cass and his wife and immediately knew that this is a place where I could worship, grow and connect with a community. I am so happy that I have found a home in Trinity Episcopal Church.
— Lisa Jones