Reconciliation, Transformation & Love

At Trinity, we live out our vision through our ministries.

Every day, we seek to live more fully into our vision of Trinity as a community of reconciliation, transformation and love. We have many opportunities for you to engage in worship, service and faith formation. We believe there is something for everyone. 


As Christians, we are called to reconcile ourselves to God and to one another. Worship is the most important context where reconciliation can take place. That is why we make so many opportunities available for members of the congregation to take part in Sunday worship.



Worship is just one way that Christians explore and express our faith. Whenever we gather to pray, to study Scripture or to consider the responsibilities of discipleship, we are building our faith and strengthening our community.



“Everyone will know that you are my disciples,” Jesus said, “if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35). We demonstrate this love by caring for our neighbors.


Why I Serve

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)

The first verb that we encounter in the Bible is “to create,” and both Jews and Christians have long affirmed that creativity is central to who God is. When Genesis 1 tells the story of God creating the world in six days, it emphasizes that God brought beauty and goodness to what was “complete chaos.”

Our world can be a chaotic and tragic place. I’m struck by this as I hear the stories of extreme, dangerous heat flooding in from around the planet. We shouldn’t exempt ourselves from finding solutions to the challenges we face globally, nationally and locally. But we can also remember God’s example of responding to chaos by making something beautiful.

It’s inspiring how many people are willing to share their creative talents here at Trinity, whether it’s playing an instrument, singing in the choir, sharing artwork, or helping our gardens burst with food and color.

If you haven’t yet volunteered to serve in our community, I encourage you to consider doing so.  We would love you to share your gifts with us.

— Karl Shuve