Every Sunday we explore a world of sounds and traditions.
St. Augustine once said, “He who sings prays twice.” Trinity’s congregation likes to sing! Our music is a wonderful reflection of who we are as a church, celebrating our roots in both the Episcopal Church and the African American community.
Our music is diverse, spanning the centuries and spanning the globe. Our music is participatory, as we sing, listen, play and pray together. The Trinity Choir helps to enrich our worship from early September through Trinity Sunday each year. We also host many instrumentalists and special events throughout the year.
All who enjoy singing or playing—even if you are not a member of Trinity—are invited to participate in any of our choirs or ensembles.
Trinity Choir
We welcome with open arms all who love to sing! The Trinity Choir leads the congregation in singing during worship, and performs for special services and community events. The choir gathers for rehearsal and fellowship every Sunday at 9 am, from September through May.
Children’s/Youth Choir
The Children’s/Youth Choir learns songs from around the world, with a focus on nurturing their spirituality and building community through singing. We also play drums, learn about music and have a great time together. The Children’s/Youth Choir gathers on select Sunday afternoons at 4 pm, from September through May.
Drum Circle/Drum Guild
Drumming is an important part of our musical life. We host occasional drum circles, and Trinity drummers of all ages play during worship. We even make our own instruments from materials grown in our garden.
Do you play an instrument? We love incorporating many instruments to augment the sound of our worship. We invite you to join in!
Interested in learning more?
Contact Daniel Brinson, minister of music, at [email protected].
Why I Sing
I grew up in a faith community with a rich musical tradition—four-part a cappella harmony, with everyone in the church singing to the fullest. Connecting to God through music is my primary form of worship, and I have found that connection in the Trinity Choir.
Our music, and our approach to creating that music, shows the radical, global and inclusive community that God wants for us. There are so many spaces in our lives where we feel like we don’t belong, so when I sing and know I’m loved by the people around me and included in God’s community, it’s wonderful.
If you love to sing, make a joyful noise, or want to join our drum circle, you’ll feel very welcome here.
— Wolfgang Keppley (they/them)