Serve the Community

Ministries of Love

Trinity works in partnership with several community organizations to bring the love of Christ to neighbors in need. You may contact the church to learn more about volunteering with these organizations, or reach out to any of our partners directly.

Blue Ridge Area Food Bank

The Blue Ridge Area Food Bank and its food assistance network serve individuals and families facing food insecurity in 25 counties. The food bank operates out of distribution centers in Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Winchester and Verona. At Trinity, we collect canned goods and other nonperishable foods for monthly donation to the food bank. Remember your neighbors in need when you do your grocery shopping, and drop your contributions in the donation basket in the sanctuary. 

City of Promise

City of Promise is committed to turning around generational poverty in Charlottesville by creating a culture of achievement that will enable children and families to thrive. City of Promise provides cradle-to-college-and-career support for children in the Westhaven, 10th and Page, and Starr Hill neighborhoods. Trinity members serve as tutors, mentors and gardeners, and also provide office support. Click here to explore opportunities to serve.

Gertrude Mitchell House

The Gertrude Mitchell House is a single-family home owned by the church and operated as transitional housing for women and children who have encountered domestic abuse. With support from fellow Episcopal churches in the Charlottesville region, and from the Shelter for Help in Emergency, Trinity has been able to help women rebuild their families and their futures. Trinity volunteers help to maintain the flower garden and provide other household services.

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville

The vision of Habitat for Humanity is a Greater Charlottesville community where everyone can find a decent place to live. Trinity members join other volunteers to build and rebuild homes and communities while catalyzing new pathways to safe, decent, affordable housing. To learn how you can be part of this community-building effort, click here.

Trinity Food Ministry

Our food ministry team works with community partners to cook and serve meals to our neighbors experiencing homelessness. On Thursday afternoon, our team gathers to prepare the next day’s lunch for guests at The Haven, a day shelter and housing resource center in downtown Charlottesville. Serving the lunch on Friday provides an opportunity to get to know our neighbors. If you would like to be part of this ministry, please contact the office.