Welcome to Trinity!
In August 1919, Trinity Episcopal Church was established as a diocesan mission in the historically Black neighborhood of Vinegar Hill. We moved into our current home on Preston Avenue in 1972. Here, our diverse, multicultural congregation continues to foster community, celebrate God’s creation and work for justice.
Explore Trinity
Racial Justice
For more than a century, Trinity has worked to build bridges across racial barriers in Charlottesville and the wider community. Today, through community outreach and ministries such as the White Feather project, we continue to pursue justice and healing in our neighborhoods.
Global Music
At Trinity, we offer a music ministry that is as diverse as our congregation and the city where we live. Christianity is a global faith, and our worship experience reflects that, featuring music that spans the continents as well as the centuries. Our music is participatory, as we sing, listen, play and pray together. If you like to sing or play an instrument, we invite you to participate!
Creation Care
Bread & Roses is the name of Trinity’s environmental and economic justice ministry. In our gardens, we grow fruits and vegetables to share with our neighbors. On our grounds, we cultivate native species to provide a habitat for butterflies, bees and birds. In our community kitchen, we incubate local businesses and promote food sustainability. We invite you to dig into this meaningful work!