Bread & Roses

A ministry at the intersection of creation care and economic justice.

Bread & Roses is Trinity’s homegrown outreach to the Charlottesville community. Our vision from the beginning has been to transform the ways we acquire, cook and relate to the food we eat.

From this vision we have created a broad-based ministry that cares for the earth and provides for our neighbors. 

Bread & Roses embraces the responsible stewardship of creation, which includes protecting the biodiversity of our native habitat and practicing sustainable agriculture. Through the cultivation of bountiful harvests, we help to alleviate the food insecurity that too many of our neighbors are facing. Our community kitchen fosters innovation and entrepreneurship within Charlottesville’s culinary scene.

Seed by seed, and bite by bite, we seek to model creation care and promote economic justice. We invite you to join us.

Why I Garden

I came to Trinity about 30 years ago. As I settled into a new life in Charlottesville, it became important to me to meet others who were exploring their spirituality and doing good work in the community. This is a place where I feel connected, challenged and loved.

Bread & Roses is a science- and faith-based initiative that focuses on ecosystems and human justice through the lens of food equity and sustainable land management. The gardens give me a daily dose of happiness and peace. A chance to be still. A place where wonder and fellowship walk hand in hand. In the gardens I am reminded daily of the interconnected world we live in.

Joy is ever-present as we welcome and care for God’s creation and all the inhabitants of “this fragile earth, our island home.”

— Ann Majewski